Monday, June 20, 2011

We will present at National Organization for Women (NOW) National Conference about Project Speak Out

We are excited about the following workshop at the National Organization for Women (NOW) National Conference; hundreds of activists from across the nation will attend.  There were many workshop proposals on violence against women and immigrant rights; we are honored they included our proposal.

Breakout Session II: Friday, June 24, 2011, 3:45pm - 5:15pm

Anti-Immigrant Sentiment, Domestic Violence, and Families: A Narrative of Liberation
Salon B

This multi-faceted workshop will address a series of urgent problems confronting women immigrants and their feminist allies. Panelists will review the extent of anti-immigrant sentiment in the U.S. and related laws, such as the harsh new Arizona law, SB 1070. They will also comment on the DREAM Act, Violence Against Women Act and the U Visa for battered immigrant women. Panelists will then discuss barriers that battered immigrant women face with abusers' threats, language differences and fears of deportation. Additional topics will cover stressors affecting Latinas and counseling strategies for empowerment. Finally, speakers will describe Project Speak Out being used by Asian-American agencies in New York to prevent domestic violence.

Maria del C. Rodriquez (Moderator), Jeanette Ocasio, Jessica Moreno, N. Jerin Arifa

N. Jerin Arifa
Project Speak Out Manager
New York Asian Women's Center (NYAWC)

Volunteer posts a call to other volunteers on Japanese newspaper

Thanks to volunteer Komi Kaoru for publishing the following article in the Japanese newspaper NY Syukan Seikatsu, asking others to join her as volunteers.  The article below describes Project Speak Out, and asks for interested people to contact us for volunteering opportunities.

You can also help by publishing an article in a newspaper in your language, or volunteering to go out into the community to change community attitudes and behaviors toward domestic violence.  You can also help us with administrative work, such as helping us translate window signs and flyers - one of the goals of Project Speak Out is to be as language-accessible as possible to Asian-Americans.  Please contact us below if you are interested.  Thank you.

Project Speak Out Manager, Tel: (212) 732-0054 ext 163, Email:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Action Alert: Ask your senators to help domestic violence victims by extending length of stay in shelters

WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE CALLS AND SIGN PETITION!!  PLEASE DO THIS BY FRIDAY!  Try to get your friends and co-workers to make the calls.  We need numerous calls per location

We must continue the fight to extend the length of stay in domestic violence shelters to 180 days.  This legislation has already passed in the Assembly.  Now it needs to pass in the Senate.  We are urging you to call (and ask all of your friends/co-workers to call) the Senators below and sign the petition below.  PLEASE HELP!!


Senator Patrick Gallivan – Chair of the Social Services Committee (518-455-3471)
Senator Daniel Squadron – Ranking Member of the Social Services Committee (518-455-2625 or 212-298-5565)
Senator Dean Skelos – Majority Leader (518-455-3171)

Sample script:  "I am calling to urge Senator ___, to vote S.973 out of Committee.  This important piece of legislation will save victims' lives by allowing them to stay in emergency domestic violence shelter for 180 days.  This additional time will mean better housing outcomes, increased safety, and self-sufficiency.  This legislation is cost neutral."



Thursday, June 2, 2011

Announcing our logo contest winner: Anum Awan

A big thanks to Anum Awan,, who designed our logo. She worked on various versions to come up with the final one you see as our profile photo. Anum is a designer and artist from Pakistan currently based in Boston, attending Massachusetts College of Art and Design for a BFA in Graphic Design. Congratulations to Anum on wining our logo contest.